Refined by nature

Int. design Hockwold cottage

Cottage renovation, Norfolk

 A 3 bedroom cottage in the grounds of Hockwold hall

First project of 2019 and I dived into this mammoth task of changing a neglected 3 bed cottage into a space suitable for rental purposes. I was called to help with flooring, lighting, colour scheme, soft furnishings and accessories for the whole house.

Brief for cottage: a cohesive colour scheme with easy to keep clean interior, sophisticated look and luxury feel.

“Jana was instrumental in tying together my various ideas and designing plans through her 3D models for the colour plan of our house. Her vision seamlessly tied the entire flow of energy/ intent for our home. Her vast knowledge, enthusiasm and dynamic approach transformed my project from feeling like an overwhelming journey into a playful and exciting process of creative discovery.”
— S.S, Norfolk